by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Planting Seeds and Sore Backs

Most of us are already well on our way to getting ready for spring planting. Equipment is out, cleaned and greased, and just waiting for dry ground. One thing is for sure, in the spring everyone, from the small family farm to the mega agribusiness, has to wait until conditions are right.

I know for me, one of the best things about spring is the many smells that fill the air. Fresh tilled dirt


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Get the MOST Out of Your CabCam

CabCamPreparing equipment for planting is in full swing in some parts of the country, and planting is going on in many other states.  Let’s take a look at a piece of equipment than can make your job much easier if you have any of these impairments:

Visual impairment – It can be used effectively by workers with one eye.

Injured back or stiff neck – use it to see behind the cab without twisting your back.

Knee or hip arthritis, paralysis and mobility impairments – use it instead of climbing.


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Tractor Seats

Spring again.  Renewal.  Winter is going away, washed away by rains.  Farmers are looking out at their fields, debating how soon they can get out and start working.  Long hours spent in the cab.  Bouncing up and down over all sorts of terrain. Do you remember the old tractor seats?  Maybe you still have one.Old Tractor


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Ten Tools to make Yard Clean up easier

If you are anything like me, then a lot of the yard clean up was left last fall and needs to get done now! I look outside and I see fallen branches, blown in garbage, a lot of gravel thrown up in the lawn from snowplows, gutters full of leaves, and leaves that were blown into my yard after I raked last fall, not to mention a few toys and such the kids left outside in the snow and are now exposed with the snow gone. Spring clean up can be a pain, but there are lots of things that can make the job easier for all of us.


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Easy Lift Harness: Revisited

Easy Lift HarnessRemember how we talked about the Easy Lift Harness back a few months ago? Perhaps you didn’t catch it as it wasn’t something you had a need for. Well, spring is just around the corner now and the whole country will finally hit warmer months. Whether you are a professional landscaper, tree trimmer, groundskeeper, or even just someone who has a decent amount of trimming to do, it’s time to start thinking about pulling out that equipment to make sure it is in good working order. 
Well, if you are one of those mentioned above and you have some sort of limiting disability or injury, why not look into something to make your job easier, or even possible?