by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

5 Ideas for Small Farm Pain Relief

Here are five widely useful ideas that will help on a small farm for the person with a physical limitation and 5 acres to do something with. Heated water hose and bucket or automatic waterers. An ATV with accessories to help with physical labor tasks.  Why use all your energy walking around the farm carrying […]


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

The Best Rehabilitation Strategy for Your Patient Who Won’t Stay on the Couch

What does a therapist or rehabilitation professional picture in their mind when they hear “Easy Lift Harness”? Gait training harness. Gait training walker. Body weight support. Patient lifts.     Does an occupational therapist picture an “Easy Lift harness” when Bobby, a self-employed professional arborist (tree trimmer), comes in with a shoulder injury limiting range […]


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Winter Dangers: Hypothermia and Frostbite in the disabled outdoor sportsman or worker

Outdoor sports such as hunting and fishing are very enjoyable for many folks.  Wintertime sportsmen like ice fishing and hunting among other sporting activities like skiing, sledding with the kids, or just enjoying the beauty of winter and spending time outside.  Those who work outdoors (for any length of time) in cold weather climates also […]