by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Lawn Care & Arthritis

Lawnmower maintenance lift.Regular lawncare and landscape maintenance is a great way to spend time on balmy summer days.  Some say that Americans have a love affair going with landscaping and pretty lawns!  Retired folks in particular have more time to spend on their yards and gardens.  It is a common way to keep active and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation at the same time.  Arthritis can be a major opponent to older people who would like to continue such activity, but there are ways to combat it.


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Vehicle Lifts

Is getting in and out of your car or truck keeping you from traveling or working? Lifts are available to make this better for you.  If you were a truck driver, and no longer can climb up into the cab, a lift could be the thing that gets you back behind the wheel. We will […]