by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

If You Love Summer, Think About Fall(ing)

Danger sign to not fall over a railing.I love summer weather, but when there are multiple mornings with temperatures in the 40’s and frost alerts, I know fall is coming.  I kick into high gear finishing all those projects can’t be done in ice and snow.  If I prepare so diligently for the unavoidable cold weather that fall brings, can I take the warnings seriously about another fall that is preventable?


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Assistive Technology & Physical Therapy

Garden trowel/shovel being used in a wrist -neutral position with pistol grip handle and forearm support.Why do we need both assistive technology and physical therapy?  At Disability Work Tools our focus is on assistive tools and devices to help a worker with a disability overcome physical limitations.  Physical therapists are experts in improving mobility and motion.  With AT and PT together, there is a formula for success in the workplace for people with disabilities!