by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Assistive Technology & Physical Therapy

Garden trowel/shovel being used in a wrist -neutral position with pistol grip handle and forearm support.Why do we need both assistive technology and physical therapy?  At Disability Work Tools our focus is on assistive tools and devices to help a worker with a disability overcome physical limitations.  Physical therapists are experts in improving mobility and motion.  With AT and PT together, there is a formula for success in the workplace for people with disabilities!


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller


2 flights of steps to the living level, how can a man climb that in a wheelchair?Jim suffered health problems that resulted in him using a wheelchair for mobility.  His house was built with three levels, and he needed access to the upper floor for the main living space.  Some friends he knew through the forum lent a helping hand to lift Jim into his house.  DWT follows the same mind, working to encourage and help people with disabilities access tools they need to do the work they love.


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Spinal Cord Impairment Job Solutions

Powerhorse wheelchair driver for driving around a worksite in a manual wheelchair.Tradesmen with conditions of the spinal cord such as spinal muscular atrophy or traumatic injury rely heavily on assistive technology to accomplish necessary tasks.  Mobility around the worksite and accessing the work station are two major barriers to be addressed.  Solutions for those working on rough terrain vary from all-terrain power wheelchairs to large 4-wheel-drive pickup trucks to heavy-duty 3-wheel scooters. 


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Can a Tradesman Really Work With This Condition?

Working on crutchesTradesmen who work with their hands can be more prone to injury by the very nature of their labor.  They use heavy tools, sharp tools, high-speed tools, and work long hours in adverse weather with repeating motions.  Arthritis can be caused or worsened by these factors, and work site injuries are always a threat.  In addition, they face the same probabilities as the general population of automobile accidents or diseases such as cancer, stroke and heart disease.  Disability Work Tools is ready to help any worker get back to work, regardless of the cause of his disability!


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Heavy Equipment Operator Demonstration

Heavy Equipment manlifts give access to the operator seat of bulldozers, excavators, wheel loaders, cranes, tractors, skidders and other types of heavy machinery.

Here is an opportunity you won’t want to miss!  From July 22-24 in East Lansing, Michigan, workers with disabilities can test drive a heavy-equipment manlift and an all-terrain Action Track Wheelchair and learn about working on the job with arthritis.  Michigan State University Ag Expo offers this great chance for heavy equipment operators with arthritis. 


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Lawn Care With One Arm Behind My Back!


Lawnmower operator using one arm to control a zero turn mower.


Mike Edighoffer has operated a lawn care and leaf collection business with one arm since 2002.  He employs a full time helper during summer and fall when work is busiest.  He owns a full line of modern and well maintained lawn care equipment including two joystick-controlled zero-turn mowers, backpack leaf blowers, line trimmers and a Trac-Vac leaf collection system.  A full-size pickup truck and trailer are used to transport equipment to the 30+ job sites where work is done.



by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Every Person Has Equal Value

Old house in the countryI had a long conversation with a young woman with bipolar disorder.  She had been a highly trained and successful certified public accountant, climbing the corporate ladder.  Now, she is living a secluded life in a large old farmhouse on a quiet road, wondering how she will pay her mortgage.  She feels like a failure, but I assured her that she has great purpose and value regardless of her illnesses and struggle.


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Assistive Technology Professional Training

DisabilityWorkTools is committed to having professional staff in the field of assistive technology.  Ned Stoller, the owner of DisabilityWorkTools is a certified Assistive Technology Professional through RESNA, and has a B.S. degree in Agricultural and Biological Engineering from Purdue University.


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Gripping Story For Arthritic Hands

Biting a rope when arthritic hands won't grip.Flinging hammers.  Smashing mugs.  Hugging posts.  Stomping pedals.  Clenching teeth.


This could sound like a temper tantrum, but it’s not.  This is a tradesman in his shop or on the work site getting the job done in spite of impaired grip strength.  Sometimes…