by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Despite the humidity and the 100+ heat index, our booth at Michigan Ag Expo was successful.  We had several products on site for people to try out including the rolling work seat, lift creeper, easy lift harness, StaFast hitch and Powerhorse wheelchair driver. 

Attendance was low because few people wanted to brave the heat, and I cannot blame them, but for those who decided to visit, they enjoyed their time in our shady tent.  We talked to people learning about their situation, and then helped match them with assistive tools. Others who visited knew someone else who could benefit from one of our tools and were going to pass the word on to their friends.  That is exactly what we wanted from this event – to let people know that we are here, and that we want them to get the right tool to help them do their job or enjoy their hobbies.

 The Powerhorse wheelchair driver was part of the wheelchair rodeo.  It held its own against the other powered wheelchair drivers on the course.  Youth and disabled people both enjoyed taking the Powerhorses out for a test drive.  The breeze it gave you sure felt nice. 

If you were unable to attend Ag Expo, check out the tools I mentioned on our site.  If you want to discuss a tool or your situation with us, feel free to leave a message or give us a call. 

Also check out this video WILX did on the Wheelchair Rodeo: