by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

The Confusion of Having a Disability

Cartoon of a country vet looking at a cow's foot and commenting "Its hard to find spare parts for these!"Having a disability can be confusing.  It is not as easy as replacing parts on a broken machine.  Some disabling injuries are more straightforward.  The injury happens, a new normal develops, and life goes on in a different direction with different tools in the toolbox.  However, most disabling conditions are far more confusing.  Abilities to work fluctuate from day to day (or even hour by hour).  Today a medication works great, and tomorrow it may cause severe side affects that are more complicated than the condition being treated.  No wonder it is such a challenge to work in spite of a disabling illness or injury!


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller


Lev 22:29  And when ye will offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving unto the LORD, offer it at your own will.

Today is a day of thanksgiving.  Give thanks of your own free will!
Jesus on the cross


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Lawn Care & Arthritis

Lawnmower maintenance lift.Regular lawncare and landscape maintenance is a great way to spend time on balmy summer days.  Some say that Americans have a love affair going with landscaping and pretty lawns!  Retired folks in particular have more time to spend on their yards and gardens.  It is a common way to keep active and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation at the same time.  Arthritis can be a major opponent to older people who would like to continue such activity, but there are ways to combat it.


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Hot Times at MI Ag Expo

Despite the humidity and the 100+ heat index, our booth at Michigan Ag Expo was successful.  We had several products on site for people to try out including the rolling work seat, lift creeper, easy lift harness, StaFast hitch and Powerhorse wheelchair driver.  Attendance was low because few people wanted to brave the heat, and […]


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Michigan Ag Expo ’13

Living in Michigan or travelling through? Interested in seeing the latest agricultural technology and ideas? Visit the Michigan Ag Expo from July 16th through July 18th by the campus of Michigan State University (go Spartans – my alma mater) Here’s a few things that will be going on:


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

History, Part 2

To follow up our earlier blog, we are introducing ourselves here at DWT. Last week’s blog detailed how Ned Stoller caught the vision for enabling disabled workers to continue in their professions. For the past 16 years, Ned has been hard at work trying to help folks, and usually succeeding. One of his favorite stories is


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

The Shocking Truth about Religion and Disabilityworktools

GolgothaWe here at Disability Work Tools are dedicated to helping you – the working person – to maximize your potential and be able to continue your job regardless of disability, injury or disease.   We also like to think we can help by encouraging folks to look on the inside– inside our hearts – where we are all wounded and hurt to some extent or another.  We encourage you to look to God for those hurts.