The work of a farmer is never over, but there are certainly seasons that are more or less busy. Now that the frenzy of preparing soil and planting is behind us, the month of July can allow just a little bit of a breather while we wait and pray for a good harvest. It is during this time that many farmers can take advantage of refining practices, repairing equipment and readjusting operations. For a farmer with a disability, this may involve looking at tasks that were difficult to accomplish, and delegating those tasks to another worker, or adding assistive technology to make the task more manageable.
Sometimes having another set of eyes on the situation can result in simple and creative solutions to seemingly difficult problems. Our Personal Assistive Technology Consultation (PATC) provides a one hour in-depth look at your unique situation and results in individualized solutions to help you farm with greater ease. The PATC is completed by an Assistive Technology Professional with over 16 years of experience helping farmers and other skilled trades workers continue working.
Take time now to make changes and implement technology can result in farming with less pain, reduced time, and greater production!
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