by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Wagon Quick Hitches

Mother, the Necessity of Invention…An All-American Farm Story Greg loved round-baling hay more than anything.  Every year he schemed and connived how to pick up more hay ground so he could make more round bales.  Greg’s kids hated hauling round bales worse than anything.  They worked from a 1968 loader tractor with steps as high […]


by Ned Stoller Ned Stoller

Lawnmower Accessibility

Lawncare or groundskeeping can be an enterprise for a worker with leg and mobility impairments. Many of the same adaptations for farm equipment apply to lawncare equipment.  It comes down to accessible transportation & trailering, access to the operator’s station, and access to the controls. A manlift could be used to access lawn care equipment […]