Specific Attention

Devoted to Aging Workers

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Work On The Job

24+ years

of Research & Development

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Specific Attention

Devoted to Aging Workers

Help People

Work On The Job

24+ years

of Research & Development

Bucket Dolly


Use a Bucket Dolly for carrying buckets, tools, and anything else!


A Bucket Dolly can be utilized to move a 5 gallon buckets around the workplace. A rolling bucket can be used to carry anything from washing fluids, tools, and anything else!  Workers with strength, endurance, amputations, and back disabilities will benefit from a Bucket Dolly.

Workers with common conditions such as these would benefit from a Heavy Duty Bucket Dolly:  Arm Amputation, Arthritis, Balance / Core Stability, Cerebral Palsy (CP), Diabetes/Diabetic Neuropathy, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Hand Injury, Total Hip Replacement, Total Knee Replacement, Leg Amputation, Lower Extremity Impairments, Mobility Impairment, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Muscular Dystrophy, Obesity, Old-Age, Paraplegia, Spinal Cord Injury, Stroke, Osteoarthritis (weight bearing joints).

About this item

  • 11″ Inside Diameter Plastic Dolly
  • Lightweight
  • Designed with 6 SMOOTH-Rolling swivel casters-Guaranteed no Tip or Spilling of bucket contents.
  • 75 lb. Weight Capacity

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