Specific Attention

Devoted to Aging Workers

Help People

Work On The Job

24+ years

of Research & Development

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Specific Attention

Devoted to Aging Workers

Help People

Work On The Job

24+ years

of Research & Development

String trimmer Adjustable Handle

A worker using a String Trimmer Adjustable Handle will benefit from less back pain while using a string trimmer.


Landscapers, arborists, and lawn care service workers all use a string trimmer a great deal.  A String Trimmer Adjustable Handle enables a worker to hold the string trimmer in an easier manner, avoiding bending over or stooping.  Workers with back injuries, arthritis, and other impariments will greatly benefit from the use of this handle.

Workers with common conditions such as these would benefit from a String Trimmer Adjustable Handle: Aging, Ankle Pain, Arthritis, Back Injury, Cancer,  Foot Pain, Hand Injury, Hip Pain, Total Knee Replacement, Leg Amputation, Lower Extremity Impairments, Mobility Impairment, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Muscular Dystrophy, Neuropathy, Obesity, Paraplegia, Replaced Joints (Arthroplasty), Rotator Cuff Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Vertigo, Rheumatoid Arthritis (hands, wrists, knees & feet), Degenerative Joint Disease.

  • More control + No fatigue = Faster Trimming Times.
  • Aluminum bar with reinforced stress points for commercial use
  • Softer silicone grip
  • Heavy duty vise with quick release lever for collapsible profile, great for trimmer racks
  • Truly ambidextrous by removing silicone grip and vise and switching to the other side