Specific Attention

Devoted to Aging Workers

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Work On The Job

24+ years

of Research & Development

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Specific Attention

Devoted to Aging Workers

Help People

Work On The Job

24+ years

of Research & Development

Radius Gardening Shovel


Gardening and digging tools by Radius Garden is designed to relieve arm, hand and wrist stress.  Almost all of gardening and landscaping requires digging tools.

The patented O-handle provides more gripping surface, room for both hands, and extra leverage with a wrist-neutral position.  Workers with Arthritis, Carpel Tunnel, MS, Weak Grip, Injury, CP and other physical and medical conditions will find this helps out greatly.

There are a variety of tools which offer the Radius tool handle.

Radius Garden Shovel

Garden Transplanter

Floral Shovel

Root Slayer Shovel

Root Slayer Round Edge Shovel

Snow Shovel

Garden Fork

Garden Edger
