Wagons and carts will allow workers to carry heavy loads around the farm, yard or worksite without straining their back and shoulders.
Heavy tools such as mechanic’s tools put a heavy load on hands gripping the load and legs, as well as bending frequently to pick up tools. The mechanic’s cart can be loaded with tools and easily moved with much less effort than carrying, as well as keeping tools at a comfortable level for using.
Workers with common conditions such as these would benefit from a Garden Cart: Back Pain, Cerebral Palsy (CP), Diabetes/Diabetic Neuropathy, Fused Vertebrae, Herniated Disc, Hip Pain, Knee Pain, Leg Amputation, Lower Extremity Impairments, Lumbar/Low Back Pain, Mobility Impairment, Obesity, Old-Age, Replaced Joints (Arthroplasty), Rotator Cuff Injury, Ruptured Disc, Scoliosis-Kyphosis-Lordosis, Shoulder Replacement, Slipped Disc, Osteoarthritis.