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Specific Attention

Devoted to Aging Workers

Help People

Work On The Job

24+ years

of Research & Development

Lawnmower & ATV Lift 450 lb

Homeowners, landscapers and groundskeepers with back injuries can safely lift their mowers for under-deck maintenance without straining their back. It can be raised by hand crank or a power drill.


Homeowners, landscapers and groundskeepers with back injuries can safely lift their mowers for under-deck maintenance without straining their back. Lawnmower decks need maintenance throughout the mowing season.  Workers must either lay flat on the ground and try reaching under the mower, or drive the mower up on ramps.  This lawnmower lift is more safe than using car ramps and wood blocks to elevate a lawnmower.


The load can be raised by hand crank or a power drill for workers with arm impairments or decreased strength.  Once raised, there is enough space to use a mechanic’s creeper to roll under the deck and work comfortably with hand tools and clear vision.


An optional workbench attachment converts the lift to an adjustable height work bench for repairs and maintenance on small engines and push lawnmowers.


Sharpen lawnmower blades

Clean out debris under a lawnmower deck

Replace belts



Landscape professionals

Lawnmower maintenance shops

Small engine repair shops


Workers with common conditions such as these would benefit from a Lawnmower & ATV Lift:  Arm Amputation, Arthritis, Cancer, Cerebral Palsy (CP), Diabetes/Diabetic Neuropathy, Fibromyalgia, Hand Injury, Herniated Disc, Hip Pain, Knee Pain, Mobility Impairment, (MS), Muscular Dystrophy, Neuropathy, Obesity, Old-Age, Paraplegia, Prosthetic Limb, Replaced Joints (Arthroplasty), Spinal Cord Injury, Stiff Neck, Stroke, (TBI), Visual Impairment, Rheumatoid Arthritis (hands, wrists, knees & feet), Osteoarthritis (weight bearing joints).

About this item

  • PL5500 Lawn Mower Lift is built with the welded solid steel construction with the four steel wheels and the positive dual locking safety latches.
  • It provides the maximum space, 26-1/2 inches, to perform necessary maintenance, such as Blade Works, Cleaning Debris, Oil Change, and more
  • Lawn Mower Lift is built with the welded solid steel construction with the four steel wheels and the positive dual locking safety latches
  • With the adjustable wheel span, it fits on most zero turn garden tractors, riding mowers, ATVs, and even push mowers
  • Position mower tires securely on wheel baskets and centering the load on lift

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