Workers with one arm or arthritis can securely grip and control their Easi Grip Garden Tools without bending the wrist. After a stroke, amputation, arthritis or other arm limitation it is nearly impossible to use standard garden hand tools. Garden trowels, hoes and most other small tools have straight handles forcing the wrist to twist forward while gripping the tool. When the wrist is twisted forward in this way, the grip strength of a hand is reduced by approximately 50%.
Hand tools are difficult to use with impaired grip strength or limited range of motion. The Easi Grip Garden Tools solve these problems because they allow the worker to grip the handle without twisting the wrist, providing maximum grip strength. The arm cuff (sold separately) connects to the forearm to provide control of the tool similar to using two hands.
Workers with common conditions such as these would benefit from Easi Grip Tools: Arm Amputation, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/Repetitive Motion Injury, Hand Injury, Cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.