Specific Attention

Devoted to Aging Workers

Help People

Work On The Job

24+ years

of Research & Development

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Specific Attention

Devoted to Aging Workers

Help People

Work On The Job

24+ years

of Research & Development

Calf Jack

A Calf Jack gives more pulling power to a farmer with limited strength and endurance when assisting a cow deliver her newborn calf. Sometimes a farm worker must pull a calf to help it be born safely.


A Calf Jack gives more pulling power to a farmer with limited strength and endurance when assisting a cow deliver her newborn calf. Sometimes a farm worker must pull a calf to help it be born safely. Smooth chains are wrapped around the calf feet, and the worker pulls on the chains. It can be back breaking work for the strongest worker, and impossible for someone with a disability. The calf jack presses against the cows legs, and chains are hooked on to the calf. A lever handle is pumped back and forth as the cow pushes on the calf. The Calf Jack is much safer for a farm worker with a disability and requires far less strength.


Workers with common conditions such as these would benefit from a Calf Jack:  Aging, Arm Amputation, Back Injury, Cancer, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/Repetitive Motion Injury, Diabetes/Diabetic Neuropathy, Hand Injury, Hip Pain, Total Hip Replacement, Knee Pain, Total Knee Replacement, Leg Amputation, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Neuropathy, Rotator Cuff Injury, Scoliosis-Kyphosis-Lordosis, Shoulder Replacement, Osteoarthritis (weight bearing joints), Degenerative Joint Disease.

Product Description


  • The Ratchet-Style Calf Puller Comes With A Standard 66″ Rod And Has An Additional Attachment To Extend The Rod To A Full 78″
  • The Jack Conveniently Offers Both A Zig-Zag Pull And A Single-Pull Option
  • The Zig-Zag Pull Helps To Avoid Locking Of The Calf’S Shoulders In The Pelvic Opening
  • Assembly Required


