The fold-down bumper step folds under the truck when not in use, and extends down beside the tailgate when needed for climbing. This step does not add to the weight of the tailgate. Pick-up truck bed access steps help workers access their cargo area of the truck without taking such a large step or “jumping”. The cargo bed of a pick-up truck is usually 24” to 36” high. To reach something stored in the truck, the worker must climb or jump which may be impossible for someone with a disability.
Chevy: 1999-2006 2007-2013 2011-2014 2014-2018 2020-2021
Ford: 1999-2016 2006-2014 2015-2019 2017-2021
Ram: 2002-2009 2009-2018 2019-2020
Jeep: 2007-2018 2018 2020-2021
Toyota: 2016-2021
Workers with common conditions such as these would benefit from a Bed Step.
Back Injury
Cerebral Palsy
Hip Replacement
Knee Pain
Knee Replacement
Leg Amputation
Leg Impairments
Mobility Impairment
Multiple Sclerosis